Friday 25 March 2011

Officially A Ples Girl

Hello, this is my first post from my new residence. PLES!
It is great to be here, I have a privilege on having wi-fi access to my room.
It's Friday night yes - could have been enjoying wine in Osmizza right now, ever since we are having a Third Year Reunion, many of my second years are here. Unfortunately, I just woke up at 8pm today, skipped Mensa (woops, Mensa is not two minutes away from my room anymore) - at the end ended up decorating my wardrobe. Since it's a new room - I am always excited to decorate it.

My new room ain't that big it's half of my previous room, I don't care. The most important thing is I escaped from the un-mutual respects in the room. It took me less than thirty minutes to talk to the Headmaster and it was approved. He also thought it was the best solution for me. The fact that I was the only person who tried to put effort respecting the members of the room and the agreement was not enough for the other parties to change the improper behavior and acts.

But, I am here. I am happy - after almost 4 months struggling with people who are just too ignorant! Geez, it took the most attention and focus of my life here in the college - thanks God it's over now. I love my new room. I think my roomate is lovely too. Her name is Piyari, from Pakistan. We already knew each other from Sailing. She is lovely, has so many friends. The fact that she has so many friends is enough for me to know that she is a good person, and she is. She is a really caring and empathy person.

I can schedule my life properly from now on. The other cool thing about this residence is; two of my HL subjects are down by my room - two minutes away!! I just need to sacrifice Mensa, but it's good tho, who knows I am going to loose weight, since summer is coming!

I will give more details about the new room. I would like to say that through all this terrible situation that is put on me, I have wonderful people around me. My parents (I am so grateful I was meant to be their daughter), they always morally support me with wise words, courageous advices, teaching to forgive people, moving forward, they are just awesome. My friends from High School - they also mean a lot to me. In the down-est part of my life, I could still laugh, the conversation that we had in our BlackBerry group, their jokes. I love them too!

And I think life just loves me. After getting a publication for my Venice article, this afternoon, after waking up I found out there were balls of egg chocolate underneath my feet with a letter from my IB friend. The person also noticed that I have been moving to Ples. Gotta answer the letter soon! I love my IB friend.

Enough for me. I am happy, happy now. I am just really tired after moving back and forth to carry all my stuffs. Thanks for the help of Christian, Ravuth and Shanon, in less than 2 hours all my belongings had been moved away and it only took me 5 hours to settle in.

Today was so bright too. After classes with Biology Extension on Heart Dissection (very interesting - I touched ventricles, pulmonary, dense blood), Madrigal Choir, Photography class, I went out for Gelato with Ilana. She is my roommate last year, now she is my neighbor.

Well, after this either continue decorating my room or just go to bed, because I am not feeling fit.
After all!! I had a nice day!!


My previous horrible nightmare room

Current room, small but lovely and warm

I managed placing everything in order last night

The heart dissection experiment that we did today

The sweet little surprise from my IB friend.

My dinner, oh doddly noodles, it made my day!

Mom's current BBM status. I am missing them too. Much. Two months away!

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