Saturday 5 February 2011

Duino Skies

Remember once I posted an article about the Offenbach Skies, last summer. Now, I would like to share another beauty of the skies, this time is Duino Skies. Duino is a small village in - this what makes it hard, I don't know how to explain this. Duino-Aurisina is a small village in the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, under a city name Trieste. Duino itself is very beautiful. The fact that this village is surrounded by Adiratic Sea and Cernizza, a kind of rocky Forrest - makes Duino one of the most harmonic area in the world. You want the proof? Let me show you some.

Yesterday, we had a very intense photography classes leaded by Angelo Friolo, he used to teach photography in the college for 25 years. He taught many incredible features in Photoshop, it was in Italian - the good news is I understood every single word. One of the techniques that he taught us was how to change "un po interesante cielo" to "un interesante cielo". Cielo means sky. Also how to make our own "nuvola" which means "cloud". The class ended at 5.15, everybody clapped, we were amused how Photoshop would make one's image different.

That afternoon, I had my camera with me, when I went out from Ples B, I could see Porto at the north sight. I was just so impressed how beautiful the sky above Porto was. It was a mix of orange, red, yellow, blue, purple, gold and grey. Without no doubts, instead of going back to my resident I turned left, headed to Porto. When I arrived there I was amazed. The sky was immensely beautiful, it feels like an afternoon version of Van Gough's painting about that Starry Night. And I can't stop wondering how great God is and how everything has just been placed and put in order, and how the whole universe works. Call me crazy, but the sky that time had that power over me to dropped my jaw just to keep saying "Oh my God, this is beautiful".

These are the pictures I took from my camera. I did not edit them at all in order to be accurate, I need no Photoshop this time to make it wonderful. Duino Skies - I am gonna miss you next year when after I graduated.

In 3 minutes, the sun went down.

The trees and the sky from a higher level.

In thirty minutes

In maybe 45 minutes

In an hour

I met some of prime (first years, female, plural) asked them to take pictures of me.

Silhouette of Reina and Yiran

p.s: will be very soon share the pictures and story from my visit to the one and only Illy Coffee Factory in the world!xoxo

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