Sunday 30 May 2010

I one became an open sentence for a heavy magazine that wrote about my school just because I was late at that time

Rut Setio Nastiti berlari kecil menembus lorong panjang bangunan tua berarsitektur Belanda. Dalam sekejap ia sudah menapaki anak tangga menuju kelasnya. Siswi kelas XI IPS 1 Sekolah Menengah Umum Santa Ursula, Jakarta, ini terlambat 16 menit akibat terjebak kemacetan di jalan. Dengan napas yang masih tersengal-sengal, ia melapor kepada petugas jaga, "Pak, saya terlambat."

Tak ada yang perlu dijelaskan lagi. Petugas itu menyodorkan selembar kertas, formulir pernyataan keterlambatan, yang harus ditandatangani suster jaga dan orang tuanya. Rut tahu peraturannya. Ia pun tak diizinkan meng-ikuti pelajaran pada jam pertama dan harus menunggu di luar kelas hingga pelajaran berganti.

Sekolah Santa Ursula memang terkenal menerapkan disiplin tinggi. Di-siplin ditegakkan dalam hampir segala hal: soal waktu, pakaian, penampilan, cara bertutur kata, dan banyak lagi. Tradisi ini terus dipertahankan sekolah yang didirikan pada 1859 itu-genap 150 tahun pada tahun ini-hingga sekarang. Menurut Kepala SMU Santa Ursula Suster Moekti Gondo Sasmita, OSU, semua itu untuk kebaikan para siswa sendiri. "Kedisiplinan mengajak anak bertanggung jawab terhadap apa yang mereka punyai," kata Suster Moekti.

Tidak cuma itu. Setiap Sabtu, sejumlah siswa SMU Santa Ursula mengunjungi beberapa lokasi di Cilincing, Jakarta Utara. Di sana mereka mengajari anak-anak setempat yang tidak terjangkau pendidikan. Di tempat-tempat itu mereka menajamkan kepekaan sosial, juga melakukan pengabdian. "Pada inti-nya, kami selalu bilang, buat apa pintar kalau tidak berguna bagi masyarakat," kata Maria Martha, yang sudah delapan tahun mengajar di sekolah itu.

Saat ini sekolah Santa Ursula mendidik sekitar 5.000 siswa dari tingkat taman kanak-kanak hingga sekolah menengah atas. Dari jumlah tersebut, 70 persen di antaranya beragama Katolik. Sisanya Islam, Kristen, dan Buddha.

Semua ini dimulai ketika enam suster Ursulin dari Belanda diundang Keuskupan ke Indonesia pada 1856 dengan maksud membuka rumah pendidikan. "Waktu itu, anak-anak kolonial butuh pendidikan yang baik," ucap Suster Edith Watu, OSU, Ketua Yayasan Satya Bakti, yang menaungi sekolah Santa Ursula di Jalan Pos, Jakarta.

Sekolah pertama yang mereka dirikan adalah Santa Maria di Jalan Juanda. Tiga tahun kemudian, berkat kegigihan Suster Andrea, dibangunlah sekolah Santa Ursula, yang awalnya terletak di Pasar Baru. "Iya, semacam perluasan," kata Suster Edith. Lantaran jumlah murid terus berkembang, sekolah Santa Ursula akhirnya dipindahkan ke belakang Katedral untuk menempati gedung yang lebih luas, tempat sekarang berada.

Pada awalnya, sekolah Santa Ursula disebut sebagai klein klooster atau biara kecil. Adapun yang di Juanda disebut klooster atau biara besar. "Mengapa disebut kecil? Karena itu pelebaran dari Juanda tadi. Tapi dalam kenyataannya tidak klein. Justru sekarang jauh lebih besar dari yang di Juanda," tutur Suster Edith.

Saat sekolah Santa Ursula didirikan, hanya murid usia taman kanak-kanak yang mereka didik. Lalu, sesuai dengan kebutuhan, perlahan-lahan mereka mengembangkan pendidikan berkualitas di tingkat yang lebih tinggi: sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah pertama, dan terakhir sekolah menengah atas. "Tapi kita mulainya kan pada 1859. Jadi itu awal berdirinya," ujarnya.

Kini, satu setengah abad berselang, sekolah Santa Ursula di Jalan Pos Nomor 2, Jakarta Pusat, itu tetap bertahan. Beberapa bangunan kolonial masih dalam wajah aslinya. Termasuk koridor panjang yang bersih. Taman sekolah yang cukup sempit ditata sedemikian rupa hingga tak terkesan sumpek. Fasilitas ekstrakurikuler juga lengkap: lapangan olahraga, ruang aula, tempat peribadatan.

Perpustakaannya ditata secara unik. Perpustakaan untuk murid SD didesain bernuansa hutan. Beberapa pilarnya didesain menyerupai pohon. Di lantai dua ada ruang multimedia yang mirip bioskop mini. Ruang perpustakaan bagi murid SMP dan SMU menjadi satu kesatuan yang terdiri atas empat lantai. Ruang rekreasi menempati lantai pertama, ruang buku dan baca di lantai kedua dan ketiga, sedangkan lantai keempat digunakan untuk ruang multimedia dan Internet.

Tapi itu semua hanya pelengkap. Yang paling utama adalah proses belajar yang sifatnya kooperatif. "Guru bekerja sama dengan murid untuk membahas soal bersama," kata Danan Sundari, guru matematika SMU. Menurut dia, cara ini sangat efektif sehingga anak tidak lagi dijadikan obyek pembelajaran, tapi terlibat langsung dalam sistem pembelajaran itu sendiri. Guru harus tetap dihormati. Tapi guru juga merupakan teman belajar atau fasilitator. Hubungan antara murid dan guru pun menjadi lebih akrab. "Memberikan perhatian kepada setiap anak menjadi roh pendidikan untuk Santa Ursula," katanya.

Selain belajar secara teori, para siswa diberi kesempatan bertukar pendapat dengan para praktisi. Untuk kehidupan sosial politik, misalnya, tak jarang mereka menggelar seminar dengan mendatangkan pembicara sekelas Akbar Tandjung, Yenny Wahid, atau Nurul Arifin. "Kebetulan Akbar Tandjung anaknya di sini," ujar Suster Moekti.

Meski penerapan disiplin sangat ketat di lingkungan sekolah, murid-murid tetap merasa bangga menjadi bagian dari keluarga besar Santa Ursula, yang memiliki seragam khas rok bermotif kotak-kotak hijau. Sheiren Felicia Jaya, murid kelas XI IPA 2, contohnya, merasakan manfaat yang sangat besar dengan kedisiplinan. Ia banyak memetik manfaat dengan terbiasa tepat waktu dan bisa mengatur waktu.

Finka Hendratantular, kelas XII IPS, punya cerita lain. Ia sudah bersekolah di Santa Ursula sejak SMP dan merasakan kekompakan dan kerja sama di antara siswa, yang semuanya perempuan. Meski begitu, pada awalnya ia merasa sangat berat karena adanya berbagai aturan itu. Pernah ia dihukum gara-gara disangka mengecat rambutnya. "Saya enggak suka dihukum. Enggak nyaman masuk sekolah kalau ada masalah sama suster dan guru," katanya.

Toh, meski suasana belajar terkesan konservatif, banyak hal positif yang dapat dipetik dari bersekolah di Santa Ursula. Ezther, lulusan 2003 yang kini bekerja di sebuah perusahaan swasta, mengaku disiplin membuat dirinya lebih mandiri. Dan itu terus terbawa dalam suasana kerja. "Sebab, di sana kita diajari untuk melakukan segala hal sendiri. Pekerjaan anak lelaki pun kita kerjakan sendiri," katanya.

Dalam kurun 150 tahun, telah banyak perubahan yang terjadi di sekolah Santa Ursula. Namun kedisiplinan dan sistem pendekatan kepada para murid tak pernah berubah. "Pelajarannya sesuai dengan kurikulum nasional. Tapi bagaimana kita melayani anak-anak dengan rohnya itu yang membuat berbeda," ucap Suster Moekti.

Firman Atmakusuma, Ismi Wahid

TRANSLATION (Credit to Google)

Ruth Setio Nastiti trot through the long hallway of Dutch architecture of old buildings. In an instant he was up the stairs towards her class. Female students of class XI IPS 1 Public High School of Santa Ursula, Jakarta, was delayed 16 minutes due to stuck in traffic on the road. With a sigh that was still panting, he reports to the duty officer, "Sir, I'm late."

Nothing needs to be explained again. The clerk handed him a sheet of paper, the delay declaration form, which must be signed guard sisters and her parents. Ruth knew the rules. He was not allowed to follow the lessons in the first hour and had to wait outside the classroom until the class change.

Santa Ursula School's famous high discipline. The discipline enforced in almost every way: a matter of time, clothing, appearance, way of speaking words, and more. This tradition continues to be maintained school which was founded in 1859, even 150 years old this year-until now. According to the Head Nurse Moekti SMU Santa Ursula Sasmita Gondo, OSU, it's all for the good of the students themselves. "Disciplinary invites children responsible for what they have," said Sister Moekti.

Not only that. Every Saturday, a number of Santa Ursula High School students visited several locations in Cilincing, North Jakarta. There they taught the local children that are not affordable education. In places it sharpens their social sensitivity, also do devotion. "At its core, we always say, why would a smart if not useful to society," said Mary Martha, who had eight years of teaching at the school.

Currently Santa Ursula school educates approximately 5000 students from kindergarten through high school. Of these, 70 percent of whom are Catholics. The rest of Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism.

All this began when six Ursuline Sisters of the Diocese invited the Dutch to Indonesia in 1856 with the intention of opening a house of education. "At that time, colonial children need good education," said Sister Edith Watu, OSU, Chairman Satya Bakti Foundation, which is responsible for schools at Jalan Pos Santa Ursula, Jakarta.

The first school they established was the Santa Maria in Jalan Juanda. Three years later, thanks to the persistence of Sister Andrea, Santa Ursula school was built, which was originally located in New Market. "Yeah, kind of expansion," said Sister Edith. Because the number of students continues to grow, Santa Ursula school eventually moved to the back of the cathedral to occupy a larger building, where it is located.

Initially, the school called the Santa Ursula Klein Klooster or small monastery. As for the in Juanda called Klooster or large monastery. "Why is it called small? Because of that widening of the Juanda said. But in reality, not Klein. It is now much greater than that at Juanda," said Sister Edith.

When Santa Ursula school was founded, only students aged kindergarten to their students. Then, according to the needs, they gradually develop a quality education at higher levels: elementary school, junior high and high school final. "But we're starting it in 1859. So it's inception," he said.

Now, a half century ago, schools in Santa Ursula Post Road No. 2, Jakarta Pusat, persisted. Several colonial buildings are still in their original faces. Including the long corridors of the net. Schools that are relatively narrow garden laid out in such a way as to not seem crowded. Extracurricular facilities are also comprehensive: the sports field, auditorium space, a place of worship.

The library is uniquely styled. Library designed for elementary school students nuanced forest. Some pillars designed to resemble a tree. On the second floor there is a multimedia room that looked like a mini cinema. Library space for junior high and high school students into one unit consisting of four floors. Occupies the first floor recreation room, living room and read a book in the second and third floors, while the fourth floor is used for multimedia and Internet space.

But it's all just complementary. The most important is the nature of cooperative learning. "Teachers working with students to discuss the matter together," said Danan Sundari, high school math teacher. According to him, this very effective manner so that the child is no longer used as learning objects, but is directly involved in the learning system itself. Teachers should be respected. But the teacher is also a study buddy or a facilitator. Relationships between pupils and teachers became more familiar. "Giving attention to every child into the spirit of education for the Santa Ursula," he said.

In addition to learning theory, students are given the opportunity to exchange views with practitioners. For political and social life, for example, not infrequently they held a seminar to bring a speaker Akbar Tandjung classmates, Yenny Wahid, Nurul Arifin or. "Just happened to his son Akbar Tandjung here," said Sister Moekti.

Although the application of very strict discipline in the school environment, students still feel proud to be part of a large family of Santa Ursula, who has a distinctive uniform plaid skirt, green. Felicia Sheiren Jaya, students from class XI IPA 2, for example, felt a huge benefit to the discipline. He was much accustomed to reaping the benefits with the timely and able to manage time.

Finka Hendratantular, class XII IPS, have another story. He had attended the Santa Ursula since junior high and feel the solidarity and cooperation among students, who were all women. Even so, at first he felt very heavy because of the various rules. Once she was punished because of the presumed dyed her hair. "I love baseball punished. Enggak comfortable going to school if there is a problem as nurses and teachers," he said.

Yet, despite a learning atmosphere impressed conservatives, many positive things that can be learned from school in Santa Ursula. Ezther, graduates in 2003 who now works at a private company, claimed to discipline make him more independent. And it continues to carry the working atmosphere. "So, there we were taught to do everything himself. The work we do any boy himself," he said.

Within 150 years, been many changes that occurred in Santa Ursula school. However, disciplinary and systems approach to the students never changed. "The lesson in accordance with the national curriculum. But how do we serve the children with the spirit that makes it different," said Sister Moekti.

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