Saturday 8 September 2012

September Issue 2012

Reasons why September never was a cloudy day :

1. My brother's birthday (09/02)


2. First day of school as a sophomore (09/06)

Outfit I wore on the first day of school - without the cap's that's Selasi's!

Wartburg's first football match game (09/01)

3. First WRSL consultation of academic year 2012-2013 was by me Rut Nastiti (09/06)

4. My father's graduation (09/08 WIB)

5. My brother's confirmation (09/08 WIB)

6. My first audition and involvement in Theater, I read some Anna in the Tropics in Spanish (09/08)

7. First sophomore party (09/08 Central Time)


8. My grandfather's 79 birthday (09/09) and my birthday is (11/11) haha

Frankfurt Spring 2011

--- list will be continued until the end of September :)

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