Thursday 8 July 2010

Doing Stuffs

I hate when I said I didn't manage to do something because I had to do stuff. Like today, I thought I might have done some part of my Extended Essay but not at all. I do care, but I haven't just moved my part of body to sit and write - all I need is just write, I already got all the data. I felt guilty moreover my dad keep asking me, "So how's your essay? Any improvements?" . So I really have to start, soon. If I want to start, I have to be away from my camera. Because I always doing stuffs with it by taking pictures of objects around my house, which is not good for my concentration.

Hours ago, I just did again. I found some pretty interesting objects around my room - and I love them. I'll tell you why..

Girlfriend Indonesia, my favourite magazine of all. Since it was published I knew its gonna be great. I've missed it so much - haven't read it for 10 months during my study in Italy. xoxo

They have really good features that really motivate the readers. The sentences that they use are so light and eatable. I come to this page about style and I am SLOUCHY SAUCY

Anne Hathaway. I love her. She is adorable, always gets role as good girl. She is actress with attitude. Hm, I really want to make over my daily summer.

Mio ugly nails, I don't love them - but still I will be physically imperfect without them, so I still need them.

My blue leopard short. It's my favourite short to go to sleep. I didn't bring it to Italy tho, I forgot. I will bring it this year, so than it can sleep with me ;-)

p.s: I asked my dad's opinion about the photos that I took at the Drama Diana. And sadly he said, "It's too dark, limited zoom - not good". Damn! He hasn't complimented my photos. I hate that he is experienced in things like these -__-

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