This poster is the output of my creativity last night which is equally a distraction of my studying program, KEEP CALM! It is only 12 days to my first subject of IB exam which is Philosophy. I am looking forward to do the philosophical papers than any subjects I have here, Math scares the "hello" out of me, Biology is a lot of memorizing and Economics; will have an intense relationship with diagrams.
But there is no reason to panic. Panicking will just make things worse. It is always going to be fine - at the very end. For me, I have no better options since I haven't really started a serios revision, need to catch up over the long weekend and study week tho.
If I compare to the National Exam that all my friends had last year, they were prepared and guided with intense exercises for three months, but here specifically a week, or plus some weeks after Project Week. But my philosophy is the process is also considerably important, it's better to learn that to study. You see the different?
Sono statoselezionatole fotoche stannoperessereinviatiperilconcorsofotograficochesi svolgedalcollegioper tuttiglistudenti difotografia.Succedeainviaretutte lefoto che ho fattoinquestopaese, l'Italia,di recenteda gennaio ad apriledi quest'anno.
Quandostavo passandotutti i mieifile,hoavutoquestasensazioneimprovvisacheho intenzione diperderequestopaesecosì tanto,piùdi quanto mimancala scuola,il fatto che lascuola stessala suaspecialea causadella suaposizione, comehodettoin particolare,lascuolaè laportaper godere diquestopaese.Lasensazionee lasensazionediessereunostudente diIBè in gran partela stessaintuttele scuoleIB,macome ilrisultato delmovimentoUWCcheè stato postoinItaliarendetuttocompletamente diverso.
E 'tuttovolge altermine.Domani è ilsecondoannola cenacon gli insegnanti.Giovediè l'ultimo giornodiscuola-iosonocosìfortunati, una giornata interacomejackpot,vorreigodere ditutte le mieclassiscorso:l'ultimaclasse di filosofia,l'ultimaclasse diitaliano,l'ultimadella classeMath(l'esameègiàspaventatol'infernodame),ultimoClasse diinglesee l'ultimodella classeeconomica.Dovreiessere felice?Oppuredovrei esseretriste?Boh.
Oh,bene,Italia! Lei mi hascossotutti glianni! Thanks to Google Traduttore xo
I was selecting photos that are going to be sent for the photo competition that is held by the college for all the photography students. Happens to send all photos I took in this country, Italy, recently from January to April this year.
When I was going through all my files, I got this sudden feeling that I am going to miss this country so much, more than I miss the school, the fact the school itself its special because of its location as I mainly said, the school is the gate to enjoy this country. The feeling and sensation of being an IB student is mostly the same in all IB schools, but as the result of the UWC Movement that was placed in Italy makes everything completely different.
It is all coming to an end. Tomorrow is second years dinner with the teachers. Thursday is the last day of school - I am so lucky, full day as jackpot, I should enjoy all my last classes: last Philosophy class, last Italian class, last Math class (the exam is already scared the hell out me), last English class and last Economic class. Should I be happy? Or should I be sad? Boh.
Oh, well, Italy! You have shook me all the years!
The beauty of the Nord, the region where I live, Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The amusement from the south, Colosseo. This picture was taken by an American teenage tourist who didn't really get it when I told her my auto focus was broken.
I just did a quick photo-id which ended up as a quick photo-shoot. Basically I was helping my friend in the college to make her ID. She is a wonderful girl, got into Yale. I worked with her too last year, with my other friend, Anya, to be the models for my portfolio, that I sent for my Art Supplement. The setting was in Porto.
I was trying to direct her in so many ways. It is actually one of the cool thing of being a photographer you style your model and communicate with them, on poses you want them to do.
This photo session was super simple. We didn't even use the studio-light since it is not working, we also found it difficult to avoid the shadow cause by the sun, but with a little bit touch of Photoshop it was managed.
This photo above was inspired by MaxMara or Max&Co ads that I saw in Bologna. The photographer tries to impose a technique that he takes the picture from above, therefore the face is exposed.
This is my favorite pose of all the idea is to make her put her hands up, however I asked her to make a curve and therefore it looks extremely girly.
I am planning to make one more planned photosession with a super stylish clothes after the IB exam, something really Italian, something really shows this location, Duino. Let's first deal with the IB exam, shall I? Yes.
This is a super awesome video that involved (mostly) all members of UWCAD community. We lip-dubbed Let's Get it Started's Black Eyed Peas! It was vibrant how in a sunny 2pm day, people gathered in fore lawn to make this lip-dub happened. And none of them really complained even tho we had to repeat it three times! The setting was all in our lovey-dovey Italian village, Duino; from Porto up to Fore Lawn nearby Rilke Path! Way to go all UWCAD-ers!!
I am planning of having an afternoon tea session while reading this newspaper, thing that I used to do at home
The printed version of my first profesional article in The Jakarta Post just arrived - ten days ago I remember my father posted a photo in our family group written "Two copies of JPs have been sent to UWCAd, will arrive in 10 days". And it arrived. It arrived actually on 6th, two days ago, but since I have been ill I didn't go out anywhere but staying in my room.
Dad sent me two copies of the posts. Right after I got it I texted him back basically asking how many copies my parents have back home, because I just gave a copy to my Photography teacher, Max, in case they don't have any left - I will keep the other one, because I really want to frame it. And know what my father said "Papa sudah frame, baru tadi ada tukang frame lewat di kantor (Dad has framed it, apparently there was just a frame-maker passing in front of my office." What a coincidence, no matter how far we are, as father and daughter we always have this kind of connection.
I have seen the online version, the PDF version but not the printed one. Indeed, there is this natural satisfaction of seeing the first professional writing that I produced. And it's huge, 2/3 of the first front Page of the Section 3 is my article and the photos I took. I am so happy for myself. This is just the beginning!
One of the consequences that I have to risk when I decided to come to UWC is to be away from home. Home does not only mean family, which is the most important part of its definition.
The city, Jakarta itself, everything in it: my friends, the entertainment facilities that it has, its environment: skyscrapers, cars, highway, houses - the people. It is chaotic yes, ask everybody who lives in a Megapolitan city they feel the same. But the city always knows how to win your heart, with the good and the bad it has. The bad even can make you laugh.
Traffic jam is just like having breakfast or lunch, it's a part of your life, you have to face it. Just like complaining when you eat something that doesn't taste so salty, at the end you have no options, just put the salt and continue eating.
I feel like posting this, because even-tough my ticket to Zurich has been booked (well basically my parents asked me to enjoy my own time and travel Europe) to visit my great-grandma - in the same time I would really love to be back home as soon as possible, knowing that I would love to share all the disappointments that I experienced here for the last 3 months from the college life, the happiness of finishing the IB course and the joy that I survive UWC. I would like to hug my mom, sleeping next to her telling stories, play around with my dad and my brother.
And in August I have to start a new life in the USA, more and more hundred-thousands miles away from Jakarta, from home, from mommy, daddy and Steve.
Jakarta, I hate to have this on-off relationship with you.
See you on 10th of June, unless I didn't shorten my Euro trip!
Annemarie tested the secret recipe of Prashant Coke
Cheers for Prashant Coke (left-right: Prashant, Pabel, Ravuth, Timmah, Emma and Zsolt)
The Young Economists and the teacher, Annemarie
The Jackpots!
Nobody's really being fooled, beside the article that I found that Vatican insists: Vatican Insists: David Must Wear Fig Leaf! Today has been full of fun. Opened with Mathematics class, waking up 10 minutes from class, arrived in class pretty early, thanks for my super-forward clock. And the fun begun. Second block was Economics, we had the class in Annemarie's house, our teacher. We made Prahsant Cola, and tested the recipe from our Chemists: Milos and Angus. Very interesting, feels like we are the real Economist. And Italian was very interesting, we learnt imperativo and how to write letters. Just found out that amore mio is always maschile, there is no such amore mia!
We had residence photo during the break - PLES Girl! The idea was cute, all of in our bathing clothes, holding shampoo, soaps and tooth pastes and brushes. Then I had free block, managed to send email to my great grandma who lives in Zurich, she invited me to visit her there right after closing ceremony. I also plan to visit Amsterdam, and Paris! Oui, oui..
Last block was Philosophy - we watched the King's Speech! Still related to the syllabus tho - the linguistic of philosophy. Right after the class finished, I rushed to the bus stop - I had planned to buy some clothes that were one sale. I was lucky tho, found out it was the last day. The shopkeeper said"Bene per andare oggi, perche domani tutto prendano via". You see, this is what I believe, I think I have this radar sixth-sense on sales and shopping.
I slept for like 3 hours after madrigal choir and photograpy - Friday is the fullest day for me. In the afternoon we practiced for the Saman Dance.