Party after EE show. So the second year students held aparty for the first year students. And I WAS SO HONOURED, thesecond years perfomed TARI SAMAN for us. Hahaha, It's a tradition actually.
So, this is Duino, places where I'll be spending my two years. Sorry, I still cant post a good quality of writing and havent contacted you all guys, because, I am still so busy with stuffs. So many things to do everyday. BUT FOR SURE, I AM GOING TO VENICE TOMORROW hahahaha. Isn't cool people? You have to envy me. Ok,. I'll see you soon via Facebook or Skype. Bye, all!
What I wear: Yay, it's BATIK Indonesian traditional clothes. Bangles: Malioboro's, Watch: Swiss Army Chronoforce, Bag: Nico'La, shoes: handmade from grandma'sOKE, I'LL GO TO VENICE TOMORROW. Yayyyy! CIAO