Well well, I think I become addicted to write everything in my blog. I just love to write and I think writing is a right way to help me organizing my ideas. Since I was in Elementary School, I often to write letter to a magazine called Bobo. It's a kid magazine. I love to write poem about my family. Or sending my poems to Arif ( A questionaire bulletin that sold for all ES in Indonesia, and mine was appeared there) I loved to draw in my bedroom wall (upsy, I think this is an exception) haha. When I got into JHS, I wrote more seriously. My first article called "Wisata Pacitan" appeared into Jakarta top's afternoon daily magazine called Sinar Harapan =) I was so proud.
And when I got into High School, things are getting more serious. I often write Readers Letter in still Sinar Harapan and The Jakarta Post ( Morning Daily Newspaper) about my opinion. I also write some electronic articles, it is somehow easier, I mean it is easy to find them. You can goolge it up if you want to. http://www.google.co.id/#hl=id&source=hp&q=Rut+Setio+Nastiti&btnG=Telusuri+dengan+Google&meta=&aq=f&oq=Rut+Setio+Nastiti&fp=70ffee3827b5747 ( hahahaha i often google my self)
But I am not also that serious. There are some Teen Magazines that have my name on it. For example Gadis Magazine, Girlfriend Indonesia ( OMG Everything starts with G) Funny.
Yay, I just want to write. I want to make my own novel, I want to be a columnist about law ( I want to be a lwayer) and I WANT TO MAKE A HISTORY TO TELL =)